How to define a UI/UX candidate profile (For recruiters and managers)

Gerald Canario
4 min readApr 10, 2023


UI/UX Candidate Profile Outline

UI/UX design plays a critical role in the field of technology and digital product development. It involves designing and developing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of software applications, websites, and other digital products.

As a recruiter, finding the right UI/UX designer for your team can be a challenging task. You need to look for candidates with a combination of creativity, technical skills, and a deep understanding of user behavior.

It’s important to create a detailed job description outlining your requirements and expectations for the role, as well as the skills and experience you’re looking for. You should also prepare a portfolio of your company’s work to showcase your design style and attract potential candidates. Additionally, it can be helpful to conduct thorough interviews and design exercises to assess a candidate’s skills and fit for your team.

Defining UI/UX role position

While the roles of a UI (User Interface) designer and a UX (User Experience) designer are often interrelated, they have distinct differences in their responsibilities and skills.

UI designers focus on designing the visual elements of a product, such as icons, buttons, and typography, to create an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interface. They work closely with developers to ensure that their designs are implemented correctly.

In contrast, UX designers focus on the overall user experience, taking into account user needs, behavior, and interactions with the product. They conduct user research, create user personas and scenarios, and design wireframes and prototypes to test and refine the product’s usability. They also work closely with product managers and developers to ensure that the final product meets the user’s needs and goals.

In summary, while UI designers focus on the visual aspects of a product’s interface, UX designers focus on the user’s overall experience with the product, so from now on I’ll be referring to them as different roles.

UI Designer profile

UI Daily tasks

  • Designing wireframes and prototypes for new features or products
  • Creating icons, buttons, typography, and other graphical elements for the user interface
  • Choosing color schemes and creating visual design guidelines for the product
  • Collaborating with UX designers to ensure a seamless user experience
  • Working with developers to ensure that their designs are properly implemented in the product

UI Designer skillset

UI Designer Hard and Soft Skills

UX Designer profile

UX Daily tasks

  • Conduct user research and analyze data
  • Develop user personas and user journey maps
  • Create wireframes and prototypes
  • Conduct design reviews and gather feedback
  • Document and communicate design solutions through design specifications and other artifacts
  • Conduct usability testing and analyze results

UX Designer skillset

UX Designer Hard and Soft Skills

Screening process

  1. Initial phone or video interview: This stage may involve a discussion of the candidate’s design experience, portfolio, and previous work projects.
  2. Design portfolio review: The interviewer may review the candidate’s design portfolio to evaluate the quality of their design work, their design process, and their ability to communicate their design decisions.
  3. Technical skills assessment: The interviewer may evaluate the candidate’s proficiency in design software through a brief skills assessment.
  4. In-person or virtual interview: The final stage may involve an in-person or virtual interview with the hiring manager, other team members, or stakeholders to assess the candidate’s communication skills, teamwork abilities, and fit with the company culture.

The screening process may also involve additional stages, such as reference checks, background checks, or a final interview with a senior executive.

4 frequently asked questions about UI/UX profile

  1. What is their academic and career background?

Typically, a UI/UX designer will have a degree in a related field such as Graphic Design, Interaction Design, or Human-Computer Interaction.

These studies provide a strong foundation in design principles, user research methods, and usability testing, as well as hands-on experience with design software and tools. Many universities also offer specialized courses in UI/UX design that cover topics such as prototyping, wireframing, and user-centered design.

Many designers start their professional careers with internships or junior positions where they can work alongside more experienced designers and gain real-world experience. They may also participate in hackathons, design competitions, and other events to build their portfolio and network with other designers.

As they gain experience, UI/UX designers may specialize in particular areas such as mobile design, web design, or user research, and may also pursue professional certifications in areas such as UX research or interaction design.

2. Why my company or project needs a UI/UX designer professional?

Basically, to make sure that your digital products are designed with the user in mind. By creating intuitive, engaging, and visually appealing designs, a UI/UX designer can help to improve user satisfaction and increase conversion rates. In today’s competitive market, good UI/UX design can be a key factor in setting a company apart and promoting brand loyalty.

3. Should a UI/UX Designer should coding languages?

Not at all, but understanding the basics of coding allows designers to communicate more effectively with developers, and enables them to create designs that are more feasible and practical.

If your company has html, css, javascript, and others on the checklist, a front-end developer is the profile you are looking for.

4. Where can I find a good candidate?

Online job boards, professional networking sites like LinkedIn, design communities and forums, design agencies, and referrals from colleagues and industry contacts.

Most importantly, be open to the foreign workforce, which has much to offer.



Gerald Canario

UI/UX Designer creating meaningful experiences based on data analysis.